Verb Finder Service

Returns verb infinitives for a conjugated verb form



<apikey> //API key that identifies the service user
<version> //API version to use. Either a specific version: v1, v2 or default
<language> //3-character language code (scroll further down), limit search and results to a specific language. Dash means any language.
<verb> //A conjugated verb form


The result is an JSON array of objects, with the following properties:
  "id": "language identifier",
  "type": "information about the specified verb form: 0 = the verb form is infinitive; 1 = an inflected form; 2 = missing diacritics added",
  "verb": "verb infinitive"

API key information

The API key is used to identify the user of the service.
Because the services are free, the usage is limited to a certain daily quota.
Please be in touch with us to get your own API key with its own quota.


Request with language defined
Request with no language defined

API version v2 language codes for Verb Finder

The language parameter is a lower case 3-letter ISO language code. Supported languages are shown below:
afr Afrikaans
akk Akkadian
amh Amharic
grc Ancient Greek Nouns
xno Anglo-Norman
arg Aragonese
docia Aranese
hye Armenian
hyw Armenian, Western
ast Asturian
ast Asturian Adjectives
ast Asturian Nouns
aze Azeri
eus Basque
bel Belarusan
bre Breton
bul Bulgarian
frc Cajun French
yue Cantonese
cat Catalan
cat Catalan Adjectives
cat Catalan Nouns
xcl Classical Armenian
crh Crimean Tatar
ces Czech
dan Danish
dan Danish Nouns
prs Dari
nld Dutch
nld Dutch Adjectives
nld Dutch Nouns
xengm Early Modern English
arz Egyptian Arabic
ovd Elfdalian
eng English
eng English Adjectives
eng English Nouns
myv Erzya
epo Esperanto
est Estonian
fao Faroese
fao Faroese Nouns
fin Finnish
frp Franco-Provençal
fra French
fra French Adjectives
fra French Nouns
fur Friulian
glg Galician
glg Galician Adjectives
glg Galician Nouns
dfrag Gallo
kat Georgian
deu German
deu German Adjectives
deu German Nouns
deu German, old spelling
got Gothic
ell Greek
afb Gulf Arabic
hrx Hunsrik
isl Icelandic
isl Icelandic Nouns
gle Irish
gle Irish Adjectives
gle Irish Nouns
ita Italian
ita Italian Adjectives
ita Italian Nouns
jpn Japanese
kaz Kazakh
lat Latin
lat Latin Adjectives
lat Latin Nouns
lav Latvian
lav Latvian Nouns
lit Lithuanian
mkd Macedonian
enm Middle English
frm Middle French
mwl Mirandese
pcm Naija
ppl Nawat
nob Norwegian
nob Norwegian Bokmål Nouns
nno Norwegian Nynorsk Nouns
nno Norwegian, nynorsk
oci Occitan
ang Old English
ang Old English Nouns
fro Old French
non Old Norse Nouns
xpord Old Portuguese Nouns
osx Old Saxon
osp Old Spanish Nouns
pes Persian
pms Piemontese
pdt Plautdietsch
pdt Plautdietsch Adjectives
pol Polish
pol Polish Nouns
por Portuguese
por Portuguese Adjectives
por Portuguese Nouns
xnonp Proto-Norse
ron Romanian
ron Romanian Adjectives
ron Romanian Nouns
xswer Runic Swedish
rus Russian Nouns
gla Scots Gaelic
hbs Serbo-Croatian
siz Siwa
slk Slovak
som Somali
dsb Sorbian, Lower
dsb Sorbian, Lower
spa Spanish
spa Spanish Adjectives
spa Spanish Nouns
sux Sumerian
swe Swedish
swe Swedish Adjectives
swe Swedish Nouns
swe Swedish, all forms
syc Syriac
tgl Tagalog
tft Ternate
tur Turkish
ukr Ukrainian Nouns
dcatv Valencian
cym Welsh
mqs West Makian

API version v1 language codes for Verb Finder

The language parameter is a lower case 3-letter ISO language code. Supported languages are shown below:
spa Spanish
por Portuguese
fra French
ita Italian
ron Romanian
glg Galician
cat Catalan
oci Occitan
lat Latin
fin Finnish
got Gothic
eng English
swe Swedish
deu German
ang Old English
nld Dutch
nob Norwegian (bokmål)
dan Danish
isl Icelandic
tur Turkish
nno Norwegian (Nynorsk)

The Verbix API services are intended for developers. If you want to study verbs, please visit
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